This was a day no one was looking forward to. No day ever is. Steve Soto was more than a legendary bass player, he was a friend to many, including me. He was a son, a brother – “punk rock’s nice guy” he would call himself on Myspace in the Myspace days!
I met him when I was like 18. I grew up listening to the Adolescents blue album. It got me through high school. Kids of the Black Hole was the first song I learned how to play on the bass. I did play bass for a few years but was never in a band or anything. I’ve shot their shows before I even learned how to drive a car. I remember one show very specifically at the Galaxy in Orange County (now The Observatory). Security was kicking out all the photographers after the third song and in between songs, Tony yelled at security and pointed at me, and says “No, SHE stays!” He may not remember that, but I always will. Many treasured memories that I’m reminded of all because I photographed them. I don’t think I’d remember all of this if I wasn’t a photographer.

I think one of the last times I shot the Adolescents: