After a 3-day work weekend on set, as soon as the team wrapped, my shamelessly intrepid self immediately drove out to Joshua Tree to a sweet AirBnb I booked specifically for the New Moon for some stargazing and Milky Way sightings.
The New Moon in Libra (my birthday season) and Mercury, still in retrograde, moved from Libra into Virgo Sunday. I’m such a space nerd. I sat out there for hours, just watching the shooting stars and making wishes. Out with the old and in with the new. Bring on that abundance.
The day after, I set out for a drive through Joshua Tree National Park and stumbled on Skull Rock with zero visitors!
A pretty wonderful productive and zen-filled day, surrounded by this magical desert beauty. The only bummer I encountered was after loading my Hasselblad film camera to shoot some beautiful black and whites, the camera jammed and an entire roll of 120mm film was chewed up.
After working non-stop through the summer and busy wedding season, it’s time for some travel! Joshua Tree was the perfect jump-start to hitting the open road again. So excited for the amazing trips planned in the coming months so far.