This is more of a personal post than a concert or travel post…although, technically it is all of those too. Such is my life. My amazing friends Mike and Allison got married in October in her hometown in Ohio. For once in I don’t even know how long, I got to be a wedding guest. Even better, they got married on my birthday! I got to dress up all fancy and party with some of my favorite humans!
I met Mike through my friend Laura, also a photographer whom she grew up with, and got to finally meet her dad and see her sister again. I met her sister on our Peru trip in 2020. I shot Mike’s surprise engagement proposal to Allison in Yosemite in 2018! …and here I am, posting this in Jan, 2023. Time flies too fast.
The day went by so fast. Every moment was so much fun. Allison’s friend, Ariel Bellvalaire, flew in for the night so she could rock out on guitar with their band at their reception. Then they sang me happy birthday in front of everyone. I absolutely hate being the center of attention, I probably looked SO awkward, as you can see in the photos below haha. The next day, Ariel and I went to the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame…because DUH that’s what you do when you’re in Ohio.
The day after that, before my evening flight, Mike, Allison, and I went on a “ghost hunting” tour at the historic Punderson Manor Lodge and walked the grounds and hallways in search of anything creepy or “otherworldly”…which ended up being just us. HA!
Note: AWESOME wedding shots not taken by me, but by Human Artist Portraits.