My best friend Rocky Rose aka Allison Piccioni got to record her first BAD ASS single, “Feel It”, at the legendary East West Studios in Hollywood, CA for Burl Audio. I first heard it as an instrumental and she let me use it the track for my travel reel. A year later, she’s totally recording it in full! I can’t wait to hear it in its entirety.

Late night finishing touches:

Fun fact: Allison pulled me into the booth with her and had Wes and I add some whispers to the bridge of her song. Ha. Can’t say I’ve ever done that before. She makes everything a family affair.

Late-night snacks…and just a late night in general….

Songwriter/Keytar: Rocky Rose aka Allison Piccioni
Photo: Kelli Hayden
Video: Julián Oyanedel
Guitar: Wes Styles
Bass: Jennifer Jo Oberle
Drums: Lamar Little
Studio: East West Studios
Straps: Get’m Get’m