Salem, Massachusetts for Halloween sounded like a great idea in theory, but deep down, I knew it would be a circus and a possible COVID super-spreader…and I wasn’t wrong. I was also really put off by the amount of horrible and hostile people in Boston and Salem…like, way more unfriendly than LA. Wasn’t expecting that. Aside from that, the city itself was nice. It was fun to geek out and see some filming locations from one of my favorite movies from childhood, Hocus Pocus. Hollywood certainly works its’ magic as these locations looked WAY different than in the film!

I missed my flight to JFK by mere minutes because I had my boarding pass on my phone and somehow locked myself out of it, which meant I couldn’t show TSA, which also meant I missed my flight. I got re-routed on another, better flight later that morning, arriving in Boston at the same time, and just hung out in the Admirals Club lounge like a boss.

Ropes Mansion aka Allison’s House…

The Jonathan Corwin House – the last link to the actual Salem Witch Trials.

Max and Dani’s House…which I didn’t know was right on the water!

What would Halloween be without a trip to the Museum of Torture…

…above is the train station late at night on Halloween. Shit. Show. Fun, but once was enough!