Me, being me, decided to head to Egypt alone and spent a week in Cairo without any type of private guide or driver. Is it possible, and safe, for a woman traveler to roam around Egypt alone? Yes, it is quite safe. In most cases, a lot safer than a lot of places in my hometown of Los Angeles. Here are some Cairo scenes and one day-layover in Munich. Luxor and Aswan, to be continued…

One quick visit to the world’s oldest brewery in Bavaria – Weihenstephan.

Egypt is a wonderful place to visit. It’s different, it’s unique, it’s historical. That being said, I did find it extremely unpleasant how often the locals there are trying to swindle travelers for money 24/7. They’re friendly, you’re safe, but they also view you as a walking dollar sign and it grossed me out very quickly and I had to be aggressive in several instances in telling people to fuck off and stop trying to sell me shit. I did walk around unattended or escorted through a jammed-packed bazaar, $5000 camera and lens in hand, with my bag, and was never pick-pocketed, mugged, or even really harassed. The most “harassment” I encountered was mostly by little shithead kids, not really any men. And to answer the question I constantly get asked; Is it safe to travel in that area with the current political climate? It is absolutely safe. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t get close to Gaza or anything where any potential danger is heightened, especially in any tourist areas like the pyramids. Egypt has endured loss in travel and tourism due to the conflict in Isreal since October, but I’d like to encourage anyone who finds this journal post to continue your travels, wherever they may be.